day five: pinterest,, wedding gawker – prepare to be addicted.

If you haven’t already hear about pinterest, this post could be a game changer. is an endless source of inspiration. It is a place where you can organize, share, and find new inspiration with friends, family and other users. The whole concept is to “pin” pictures and posts from anywhere on the internet on your own virtual pin board. You can also “repin” pictures from friends or other pinterest users. Pins go on your board and you can organize these into different categories.

Seriously, prepare to be addicted.

Use Pinterest to collaborate with your friends, family, bridesmaids and vendors. I follow brides that I am working with and they show me examples of photos and styles that they like. I can also get a very clear idea from their boards how their wedding is coming together. Smart. You can leave comments and @mentions which makes communicating simple and effective.

Seriously, prepare to be addicted.

Not only can you post inspiration found on the internet on Pinterest, you can search within the Pinterest database for specific wedding ideas – vintage wedding dress, winter theme wedding, engagement sessions etc.

Seriously, prepare to be addicted.

If you are already on pinterest follow me and I’ll follow you back, I love to see other people’s ideas and inspiration.

If you need an invite, shoot me an email ( and I’ll send one over to you!

Join pinterest you will inevitably acquire a new social media addiction, but it’s totally worth it. It might be life changing 😉


Some of my more recent addictions –

loverly recently launched it’s beta version, and it is definitely worth checking out. It’s like pinterest but it’s ALL wedding goodness. Yep, check it out. I have five invites. Email me and I’ll hook it up.

yet another recent addiction is wedding gawker which is a:

photo gallery that allows you to visually search and discover traditional to modern ideas to inspire your own wedding. We publish photography submitted by wedding bloggers/photographers from around the world. Our editors review submissions daily and choose the highest quality, most beautiful images to showcase.

We realize once you get hooked on gawking at amazing wedding photos, you’ll need to constantly return and see the (wedding) day. To accommodate this addiction, we currently publish new images every weekday. Thanks to the hundreds of incredible wedding photographers and bloggers who submit to the site, we have an extensive archive of wedding-related photos that you can visually browse and search by category, tags and popularity.

To get more details about a photo, simply click on the image and you’ll be taken to the submitter’s blog post where you’ll find tips, trends and more beautiful images. If you register and create an account with us, you will be able to save, tag and write notes on your favorite photos/weddings by clicking on the heart icon. You can even share your favorites page with your friends and family.


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